Ajou University GSIS
The Graduate School of International Studies at Ajou University was established in 1996 as a pioneer of professional studies
programs in Korea. The foundinf motivation of Ajou GSIS was to meet the growing global demand of international academic
institute. At present, Ajou GSIS has over 1,400 alumni students in more than 80 countries worldwide, who play important
roles at their respective positions in government agencies and global enterprises.
1. International Buiness
2. International Trade
3. International Development and Cooperation
4. Civil Society Studies
Graduate School of International Studies
Ajou University
Yulgok Hall #155
206 Worldcup-ro, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon, 16499, Rep.of Korea
Tel : +82-31-219-1551,1555, 3613-5, 3596-7
Fax: +82-31-219-1554