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¡è¡è¡è¡è¡è¡èPlease check on the class schedule and fees in the attached file above!! The Houston Korean Education Center (HKEC) in conjunction with the Ministry of Education in Korea is pleased to offer evening Korean language classes for adults. The registration of Korean Language Courses for Spring Semester, 2024 begins on January 8 (Mon), 2024. 1. Date: 01/08/2024 ~ 05/10/2024 (18 weeks) 2. Eligibility: Adult (at least 18 yrs old and up) 3. Criterion of Opening Class: More than 10 for each class 4. Class Schedule & Fee: Please see the attached file above on the top left-hand corner 5. Location - ASTC: 1370 Southmore Blvd., Houston, TX 77004 (Level 1 classes only) - Zoom online: (Level 3 ~ Level 6 classes only) 6. Registration -HKEC: houkec.org "Info & News" (Korean Class) -ASTC: asiasociety.org/texas "Education" (Adult Programs) ¡Ø Level 1 (beginners') classes will be held on Mondays or Tuesdays at Asia Society of Texas Center ¡Ø https://goo.gl/maps/J3kWcqF1b3kjzCQZ8 (Google Maps) 7. Inquiries: Houston Korean Education Center - Address: 1990 Post Oak Blvd., Ste #750, Houston , TX 77056 - Website: www.houkec.org - E-mail: hkecsec@gmail.com - Phone: 713-961-4104 Go to the next page for the further information!! |